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工業氣體產品 Industrial Gases Product

液態氣體 Liquid Gases
  • L-ArLiquid Argon液態氬氣
  • L-N2Liquid Nitrogen液態氮氣
  • L-O2Liquid Oxygen液態氧氣
基礎氣體 Base Gases
  • Air空氣
  • ArArgon氬氣
  • CO2Carbon Dioxide二氧化碳
  • HeHelium氦氣
  • N2Nitrogen氮氣
  • O2Oxygen氧氣
火焰氣體 Flame Gases
  • C2H2Acetylene 乙炔
  • C3H8Propane 丙烷
  • C4H10n-Butane 丁烷
稀有氣體 Rare Gases
  • KrKypton 氪
  • NeNeon 氖
  • XeXenon 氙

特殊氣體產品 Specialty Gases Product

高純度氣體 Pure Gases
  • Zero Air零級空氣
  • Ar 99.999%Argon氬氣
  • He 99.999%Helium氦氣
  • N2 99.999%Nitrogen氮氣
  • O2 99.999%Oxygen氧氣
混合氣體 Mixture Gases


Mixture gas provides a quality solution for instrumentation and calibration. Standard on-catalog mixtures or on-demand custom specifications combining 2 to 20 components, with accuracy ranging from % to ppm.

化學氣體 Chemical Gases
  • COCarbo Monoxide 一氧化碳
  • C2H2Acetylene 乙炔
  • C3H8Propane 丙烷
  • C4H10n-Butane 丁烷
  • H2SHydrogen Sulfide 硫化氫
  • NONitric Oxide 一氧化氮
  • NO2Nitrogen Dioxide 二氧化氮
  • SO2Sulfur Dioxide 二氧化硫
政府列管關注化學物質 State Controlled & Concerned Chemical Substances

2021年4月30日起,由環保署將工業用N2O 一氧化二氮 (笑氣) 納入毒管法之「關注化學物質」管理。醫療用、食品用由食藥署依權責辦理。

On April 30, 2021, the Environmental Protection Agency included industrial N2O, Nitrous Oxide, (laughing gas) under the Toxic Control Law's "chemicals of concern" management. Medical use and food use are handled by the Food and Drug Administration in accordance with its powers and responsibilities.

  • 關注化學物質核可: 運作人:板橋氣體有限公司 (管制編號: F01C8558) 證件號碼:新北市關核字第000014號
  • Approval of concerned chemical substances: Operator: Banqiao Gas Co., Ltd. (Control Number: F01C8558) Certificate Number: New Taipei City Guanhezi No. 000014
  • N2ONitrous Oxide 一氧化二氮 (笑氣)

智慧氣體產品 Smart Gas Products

智慧氣體切換器 Smart Gas Switch

產品功能: 能夠自動切換至備援氣瓶,警報燈能夠提醒您更換氣瓶,選擇功能包括間歇報警,定時報警等。

Product function: It can automatically switch to the backup gas cylinder, the alarm light can remind you to replace the gas cylinder, and the optional functions include intermittent alarm, timing alarm, etc.

智慧氣體調節器 Smart Gas Regulator

產品功能: 除了基本的減壓和供氣功能外,它還提供即時氧體瓶壓力讀數,並通過無線通信協議將數據傳輸到附近的無線閘道器。用戶可以在無線網絡環境中自由移動,氣體使用量和剩餘量可以通過服務控制台進行監控。

Product function: In addition to basic decompression and oxygen supply functions, it also provides instant oxygen cylinder pressure readings and transmits data to nearby wireless gateways via wireless communicaiton protocol. The user is able to freely move within wireless networking environment and the gas usage and residual can be monitored by the service console.

物聯網閘道器 IoT Gateway

產品功能: 物聯網閘道器接受來自各種傳感器的無線輸入,並提供到網際網路的信息閘道器。

Product function: The IoT gateway accepts the input wirelessly from varieties of sensors and provides the information gateway to the internet.

智慧氣體偵測系統 Smart Gas Detection System

產品功能: SBT-GD 系列工業級氣體偵測器,可連續監測大氣中多種有毒氣體,氧氣和可燃性氣體。

Product function: SBT-GD series industrial-grade gas detectors can continuously monitor various toxic gases, oxygen and flammable gases in the atmosphere.

氣體種類:可燃性氣體、氧氣、一氧化碳、二氧化碳、硫化氫、氫氣、氨氣、氯氣、甲醛、 臭氧、一氧化氮、二氧化氮、二氧化硫、氮氣、氯化氫、氰化氫、氟氣、氟化氫、氮氧化物。

Gas types: flammable gases, O2, CO, CO2, H2S, H2, NH3, CL2, CH2O, O3, NO, NO2, SO2, N2, HCL, HCN, F2, HF, NOx.

工業控制產品 Industrial Control Products

氣體流量控制器 Industrial Gas Controller

產品功能: 該控制器能夠配置從微升到幾十升範圍內的精確氣體流量。 當與路徑選擇系統一起使用時,它還提供多路徑供氣。

Product function: The controller enables to configure the precise gas flow between miniliter to tens of liters range. It also provides multi-paths gas supply when works with a path selection system.

熱控和氣體監測工作站 Thermal Control & Gas Watch Worksation

產品功能: 該工作站包括氣體監測和熱控制功能。 當由中央系統配置和控制時,它可以作為遠程設備使用。

Product function: The workstation includes gas monitoring and thermal control capabilities. It works as a remote device when configured and controlled by a centralized system.

設備和伺服器管理 Device & Server Management

設備管理應用 Device Management App

產品功能: 本軟體產品可以讓用戶利用移動設備上的應用程式作設備的設定。 同時在定義的事件發生時它會提供音頻和視覺警報。

Product function: This software application enables users to configure device settings through an application on a mobile device. It also provides audio and visual alerts when defined events occur.

伺服器管理控制台 Server Management Console

產品功能: 該軟體產品支持集中管理,包括設備控制和配置、警報、物聯網通信、固件維護、用戶管理。

Product function: This software product enables a centralized management including device control and configuration, alerts, IoT communications, firmware maintenance, user administration.

工業氧體方案 Industrial Gas Solutions

冷凍和冷卻方案 Freezing & Cooling Solution
產品 Products
  • LN2Liquid Nitrogen 液氮
  • CO2Carbon Dioxide 二氧化碳
  • Dry Ice 乾冰


液氮(LN2)和二氧化碳(CO2)是非常有效的冷卻劑,因為LN2的沸點低 (-196°C),CO2的昇華點低(-78.5°C)。


Using cryogenic cooling and freezing power to enhance safety, productivity and environmental performance across a wide range of applications.

Liquid nitrogen (LN2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are extremely effective cooling agents due to the low boiling point of LN2 (-196°C) and the low sublimation point of CO2 (-78.5°C).

Liquid carbon dioxide converts to solid carbon dioxide snow at -78.5ºC (-109ºF). In combination with snow horns or specially designed nozzles, this CO2 snow, also known as dry ice, is a flexible, easy-to-use cooling medium.

鐳射切割方案 Laser Cutting Solution
產品 Products
四組分混合氣體 4-component mixture gas
  • CO4%
  • CO28%
  • HE28%
  • N260%




The laser cutting technique offers a complete gas solution for your laser welding and cutting processes.

The most widely used type is the CO2 laser, which uses a gas mixture of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and helium (and sometimes also small amounts of carbon monoxide, xenon, oxygen or hydrogen.

The laser light is produced by the carbon dioxide molecules, while the other gas components are needed to optimize the efficiency of the transfer of electrical or RF energy into laser light.

智慧氣體方案 Smart Gas Solutions

智慧氣體切換器方案 Smart Gas Switcher Solution

產品功能: 將切換器導入PGC雲端系統,使現有的實驗室與工業氣體用戶能夠使用雲端伺服器接收警報和資料分析功能,手機或電腦瀏覽器即時監控, Email 即時通知, 提供大數據分析的即時數據。

Product function: Import the switch into the PGC cloud system, enabling existing laboratory and industrial gas users to use the cloud server to receive alarms and data analysis functions, real-time monitoring by mobile phones or computer browsers, immediate email notifications, and providing real-time info for big data analysis.

智慧氧氣服務方案 Smart Oxygen Service Solution

產品功能: 該解決方案旨在對醫院或相關區域內的O2供應進行即時監控,這是為了保證供氣服務不會中斷。用戶可以在無線網絡環境中自由移動,護理人員和氣體供應管理部門能夠更透明地針對 O2 消耗和剩餘量進行有效的管理。

Product function: The solution is designed for real-time monitoring of O2 supply in a hospital or related area, in order to guarantee uninterrupted gas supply service. Users can move freely in the wireless network environment, and nursing staff and gas supply management departments can more transparently manage O2 consumption and residual volume effectively.

固定式氣體監測方案 Fixed Gas Monitoring Solution

產品功能: 系統提供固定供氣的警報配置和通知。 一旦超過配置的氣壓值,可以立即通知氣體使用情況。

Product function: The system provides the alert configuration and notifications for the fixed gas supply. The gas use can be notified immediately upon the configured gas pressure thresholds are crossed.

固定式氣體偵測方案 Fixed Gas Detection Solution

產品功能: 一旦發生氨氣洩漏,以下警報將會通知您:
(4)用戶還可以單擊提供的 GasView 快速查看氨氣濃度(ppm)

Product function: In the event of an ammonia leak, the following alarms will notify you:
(1) The control box alarm will sound until the leak event is resolved or the user manually turns off the alarm switch on the back of the control box
(2)LINE reminders will be sent to your registered LINE group
(3)Email alerts will be sent to your registered email address
(4)Users can also click the provided GasView to quickly view the ammonia concentration (ppm)


Optional function: Upon gas leaking detected, the gas controller will shutdown the gas input and send out the notification.

各類氣體調整器 Various gas regulators

單段式調整器 Single-Stage Regulators


O2 Pressure Regulator
Max Inlet: 150
Max Outlet: 12
Inlet Gauge Range: 0-280
Delivery Gauge Range: 0-2/4/7/14


N2 Pressure Regulator
Max Inlet: 150
Max Outlet: 12
Inlet Gauge Range: 0-280
Delivery Gauge Range: 0-2/4/7/14


CO2 Pressure Regulator
Max Inlet: 150
Max Outlet: 12
Inlet Gauge Range: 0-280
Delivery Gauge Range: 0-2/4/7/14


Ar Pressure Regulator
Max Inlet: 150
Max Outlet: 12
Inlet Gauge Range: 0-280
Delivery Gauge Range: 0-2/4/7/14

兩段式調整器 Two-Stage Regulators


Ar Pressure Regulator
Max Inlet: 150
Max Outlet: 12
Inlet Gauge Range: 0-280
Delivery Gauge Range: 0-2/4/7/14

特殊調整器 Special Regulators


Micro Pressure & Micro Flow Regulator
Max Inlet: 150
Max Outlet: 0.05/0.5/1
Inlet Gauge Range: 0-280
Delivery Flowe Range: 0-100/1000 CCPM


Smart Gas Regulator
Wiressless: BLE 2.0
Max Inlet: 150
Max Outlet: N/A
Inlet Gauge Range: 0-280
Delivery Flow Range: 0-25 LPM


Uninterrupted Gases System Design and Configuration


Pipeline Engineering Design and Deployment


Gas & Liquid Cylinders Sale and Rental


Gas & Liquid Cylinders Sale and Rental


Water Pressure Test


Cylinders Life-cycle Management


Gases Ingredient Certificate, Safety Report




High safety, high reliability & quality


Uninterrupted Services


Customized equipment and services

堅守商業誠信 Adhere to Business Integrity
高壓氣體專業 Professional in High Pressure Gas
專注客戶需求 Dedicated in Customer Demands
著重創新服務 Focusing Services for Your Innovations

(02) 2680-0925

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